Sunday, February 3, 2013

Public Health Intervention

One intervention on the Public Health Nursing Intervention Wheel that could be applied to my teaching-learning project was health teaching. Outreach would also apply to this teaching-learning project. My partner and I researched different types of teas and how they were good for the body and presented our findings to an elderly community in Eau Claire. By teaching people about the many benefits of drinking tea and what it does for a person’s body, people can try this alternative versus using many medications or could prevent a person from having to take many medications in the future. According to The Medicinal Benefits of Green Tea by Cooper, Cooper and Morre drinking tea helps a person’s body in more ways than one. There are antioxidants, anti-cancer activity and improvement in cardiac health and atherosclerosis (2005). We also reached out to the elderly community because they have the highest rates of medication use and could benefit from this alternative.
In order to teach people about the benefits of drinking different types of tea and what they do for the body would require an event that would get the community to come together such as a health fair or something similar to that.  Nurses could also reach out to the populations that would benefit most such as the elderly in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and retirement communities. By reaching out to these communities people could get to know this alternative to conventional medicine and be able to understand it better.


Cooper, R. C., Morre, D. J., & Morre, D. M. (2005). Medicinal benefits of green tea: Part
i. review of noncancer health benefits. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11(3), 521-528. Retrieved from

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