Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog Reflection 5-7-13

I can’t believe this semester is almost over!   We’ve had so many interesting conversations and ideas that we’ve bounced off one another.  I really enjoyed reading everybody’s feedback on my posts and ideas regarding the wide array of topics. 

This course has taught me a lot about the many different roles nurses play in society, and it has really opened my eyes to all of the work done that goes unrecognized.  Nurses serve as advocates for children in so many ways because they are so important to the future of each community.  For example, community nurses do health screening for school age children to detect problems earlier, give referrals, and prevent larger problems later on in life.  It is the nurses of a community that work to educate, support, and assist all of its community members.  Nurses are advocates for so many people because they have the tools and knowledge to avoid preventable problems and increase the quality of life for each member of a community.

One of the main topics discussed that stands out to me is that of vulnerable populations.  I believe that nurses need to focus on helping everyone in a community, and it is those vulnerable populations that often are neglected.  Although often forgotten, these vulnerable populations affect many people and influence many factors within a community.  I really enjoyed learning more about vulnerable populations and reading everyone’s ideas regarding upstream thinking.  I firmly believe that there needs to be many changes in our healthcare system to get everyone on the same page of prevention instead of dealing with issues once they occur.        

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, I agree that this class has opened my eyes to the many roles nurses play that go unrecognized. I don't think people realize how much nurses actually do outside of the hospital or clinic. They play important roles in the community such as in schools and educating the public.

    I also found the vulnerable populations to be very interesting. They are often underserved; which helps contribute to their health problems and lack of medical attention. I also found all of the blog responses interesting and the different opinions and ideas on upstream thinking. I found it very eye-opening as well. I also believe that there needs to be changes in our healthcare system to prevent these issues.
